Saturday, September 7, 2019

Motivation Technique for Site Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Motivation Technique for Site Manager - Essay Example The sponsors of the project issued warnings regarding the typical constraints presented in an underdeveloped country. The Site manager is required to explain the situation to his workers and to motivate them in order to win the competition, they need to keep in mind that there is time constraint and might be supplies and materials constraints, in general situations which they have not been exposed to. There are several techniques used to motivate the employees, the site manager will attempt to emphasize on the techniques presented by Businessballs website and by 5000 website. The construction job is to be divided in several different phases. Some of them can be performed at the same time, and some of them should be performed one after the other. The first phase is the mobilise the personnel into the job site, that is to set up offices and a warehouse to keep all the construction equipment and different supplies. The offices could be empty containers which are easily transported and suited of different purposes. The personnel required for this phase is the site manager, head engineer and 6 construction workers. The next phase is to hire a topographer team in order to verify the configuration of the road. In highly developed countries this phase has already been fulfilled. However, the project comes from a third world country where budgeting is limited and the work of a topographer is not final until the construction duty begins, since the previous jobs are not as detailed as they should be. Therefore, this phase is very important for the competition, wher e the topographic team verifies the initial design and the missing information is filled in for the construction process to begin. This phase could start as soon as the mobilising process begins. The next phase would be the soil removal phase, where the terrain is prepared for the construction, the soil is moved, or removed if necessary and based upon the results from the topographic team, some places the soil would be filled in. For this phase heavy equipments are required as back hoe and dump trucks, in order to remove the soil and then move the material to other required places or to dispose of them. The next phase is to prepare the sub base or initial layer, where several layers of granular materials is placed where the soil has been removed. For this project it is required by the technical specifications to place to layers of 30 centimetres each. After each layer of granular material is placed, the granular materials should be compacted until the surface is homogenous. The next phase refers to the base layer, which refers to the act of placing granular material again. This time only one layer is required and should be done upon a homogenous surface shaping the road already. The layer width depends upon each project, but in this case it should be about 20 centimetres. As soon as the granular material is set into place, a strict quality control should be performed in order to prevent unevenness on the road. At all times the topographic team should verify the goals set at each phase. The next phase refers to the act of watering the road using a cistern. The water is imparted until the humidity level on the material reaches an optimum level where the material presents its

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